80s80s Rock
Internet Only
Format: mp3 | 192 kbps
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Deutsch - 1. Name
kurz (maximal 8 Zeichen): 80sRock mittel (maximal 16 Zeichen): 80s80s Rock lang (maximal 128 Zeichen): 80s80s Rock Radio
Deutsch - 2. Claim
Real 80s Rock Sound. Nonstop.
Deutsch - 3. Beschreibung
***Kurz – max 180 Zeichen: 80s80s Rock. Die besten Rock Songs der 80er – nonstop. Von 80s80s - Real 80s Radio. ***Lang – max. 1.200 Zeichen: 80s80s Rock. Die besten Rock Songs der 80er – nonstop. Von 80s80s - Real 80s Radio. Entdecke Rock-Songs, die du aus den 80ern kennst, neu! Im Hier und Heute. Von späten Punksongs von The Clash über The Cure, U2, R.E.M und den Simple Minds bis hin zu den großen US-Rock-Bands wie Bon Jovi, Survivor, Aerosmith, Heart und Van Halen. Alle nur einen Klick entfernt. ***Erweitert: max. 5.000 Zeichen: 80s80s Rock. Die besten Rock Songs der 80er – nonstop. Von 80s80s - Real 80s Radio. Entdecke Rock-Songs, die du aus den 80ern kennst, neu! Im Hier und Heute. Von späten Punksongs von The Clash über The Cure, Queen, U2, R.E.M und den Simple Minds bis hin zu den großen US-Rock-Bands wie Bon Jovi, Survivor, Aerosmith, Heart und Van Halen. Alle nur einen Klick entfernt.
Deutsch - 4. Keywords
80s, 80er, 80s music, 80er musik, 80s80s, 80ies, Rock Song, Rock Songs, new romantics, new wave, Bon Jovi, U2, The Cure, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Punk.
Deutsch - 5. Genres
80s, 80er, 80s music, 80er musik, 80s80s, 80ies, Rock Song, Rock Songs, Hard Rock, Punk, Wave, Heavy Metal
Deutsch - 6. Links
Homepage URL: http://www.80s80s.de Livestream-Player URL: http://80s80s.de/?startChannel=rock
Deutsch - 7. Infos
Homepage URL: http://www.80s80s.de Mobile Homepage URL: http://www.80s80s.de Livestream-Player URL: http://www.80s80s.de Livestream-Player auf der mobilen Homepage URL: http://80s80s.de/?startChannel=rock Kontakt-‐Email: studio@80s80s.de Sender URL: http://80s80s.de
Englisch - 1. Name
short (max. 8 chars): 80sRock mid (max. 16 chars): 80s80s Rock long (max. 128 chars): 80s80s Rock Radio
Englisch - 2. Claim
80s Rock Songs. Nonstop
Englisch - 3. Beschreibung
***Short – max. 180 chars: 80s80s Rock. The best Rock Songs of the 80s – nonstop. On 80s80s – Real 80s Radio. ***Long – max. 1.200 chars: 80s80s Rock. The best Rock Songs of the 80s – nonstop. On 80s80s – Real 80s Radio. Rediscover the Rock-Songs that you know from the 80s. They’re all just a click away. Beginning with the late punk era with bands like The Clash, you will also hear all the big british Rock-Hymns from the 80ies: Bands like The Cure, Queen, U2 and Simple Minds but also all the legendary US-Rock-Bands like Bon Jovi, Survivor, Heart, Aerosmith and Van Halen – all in one radio. ***Extended: max. 5.000 chars: 80s80s Rock. The best Rock Songs of the 80s – nonstop. On 80s80s – Real 80s Radio. Rediscover the Rock-Songs that you know from the 80s. They’re all just a click away. Beginning with the late punk era with bands like The Clash, you will also hear all the big british Rock-Hymns from the 80ies: Bands like The Cure, Queen, U2 and Simple Minds but also all the legendary US-Rock-Bands like Bon Jovi, Survivor, Aerosmith, Heart and Van Halen – all in one radio.
Englisch - 4. Keywords
80s, 80er, 80s music, 80er musik, 80s80s, 80ies, Rock Song, Rock Songs, new romantics, new wave, Bon Jovi, U2, The Cure, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Punk.
Englisch - 5. Genres
80s, 80er, 80s music, 80er musik, 80s80s, 80ies, Rock Song, Rock Songs, Hard Rock, Punk, Wave, Heavy Metal
Englisch - 6. Links
Homepage URL: http://www.80s80s.de Livestream-Player URL: http://80s80s.de/?startChannel=rock
Englisch - 7. Infos
Homepage URL: http://www.80s80s.de Mobile Homepage URL: http://www.80s80s.de Livestream-Player URL: http://www.80s80s.de Livestream-Player URL (mobile): http://80s80s.de/?startChannel=italo Email: studio@80s80s.de Station URL: http://80s80s.de
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